Wednesday 27 May 2015

New Platforms: A New Age For Gaming?

The platform of Kickstarter has become a phenomenon in recent years due to the new sources of funding it opens for game developers wanting to produce their new games with now corporate intervention. A lot of good games have been funded using this platform, such as Wastelands, Broken Age, and various other titles. That's not to say that this platform has no problems, a lot of game projects were never completed and their Kickstarter money refunded, and others have had to ask for more money due to poor budgeting, such as Broken Age. But despite this many games have being funded this way, and now many old developers from our younger years are hoping onto Kickstarter to fund their new games that AAA publishers say we don't want to play anymore....

But the stats speak for themselves we DO want to still play these games. The importance of this cannot be understated, as it shows consumers dictating trends and whats popular and whats not vs the marketing departments of AAA publishers deciding what the new trend was and giving us game after game of the same type. This is consumers taking hold and funding projects we want to see by giving money to the developers whose games we love. The rocky in the beginning this has begun to hopefully now start a new age of self funded developers making awesome weird and wacky titles that we enjoy playing.



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