Thursday 30 April 2015

                                                        A Brief Intro

Hello,everyone.I'm one of members in this group, my name is Miranda and my Chinese name is Weiye Zhang.Today, I will focus on how  to create video games. First of all ,I will briefly to introduce  two approaches to create games,Top-down process and Bottom-up process. Furthermore,I will analyze a popular game with the one of these approaches
                       (created by Gilliard Lopes,Rafael Kuhnen in 2007)

                                                      Two Approaches

Top-Down Process: it  break down the concept to others layers.A good example is Dragon Quest, the concept of this games is people play warriors to fight with monsters and save the princess. Therefore, when we break down this concept, we can know the content of this game is warriors save princess, the mechanic is the way of fighting monsters and  the base verb is slash action. This approach is better way to create games basing on stories, like role-play games.

Bottom-Up Process: this approach bases on verbs to fill concept. According to a simple verb, designers can give interesting backgrounds and stories to this games. Compare with the Top-Down Process, the content is unnecessary when people use the Bottom-Up Process to create game. There are some types of games basing on verbs. For instance,Racing games and Fighting games.

                                                         Temple Run

Temple Run is  a  popular mobile phone game. Beside, the type of this game is Racing game, so I will use Bottom-Up Process to analyze. Firstly, we start to find the verb in this game. It clearly see that the simple verb is running. The mechanic of this game is avoiding obstacles to run, like jumping over rivers. Furthermore, even though the content is no important in this game, we can clearly know that the content is monkeys want to catch players,because players stole a magic stone.Finally, we can combine each layers to become concept.


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