Monday 27 April 2015

A Brief Intro

I'm Michael Wormald, one of the 4 contributors to this blog. As you have probably discerned by the title, my topic particular topic on the blog is the realm of video games/gaming, and its relation to digital media. I will attempt to cover recent events in the gaming space and show its links to Digital Media as a whole. I have chosen this topic because of my strong interest in gaming, and particularly, those who comment in this space.

Now on to the content. 

No Other Medium Has Embraced The Digital Age Like Video Games

Gaming is at a unique stage in its cycle as a product, and as an industry as a whole. Game publishers are now finding that the greatest level of sales and the highest profits can be found in the digital distribution space. As the internet connecting every household to the world has gotten faster, and the caps on this data have gotten bigger, game companies are realizing they can bypass brick and mortar retailers and sell directly to their consumers. Gaming is unique in its pursuit of complete digital distribution of their products, with music being a close second in this pursuit. 

This pursuit has led to games like GTA 5, (which has a download size of 65GB) being distributed to consumers with not a disc or box in sight. The journalistic and advertising space of video games compliments this, this is due to the fact that they too exist completely in this digital space. In the the forms of websites, blogs, Youtube channels. Put simply, if you are a gamer you are playing through the power of the digital age, even single player games now communicate with servers half way across the globe in order to function. This digital space has created new opportunities for anyone who wants to make games in the form of the 'indie scene'. A new and exciting gaming scene that may be the source of innovation that this industry desperately needs.



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