Wednesday 27 May 2015

Our Vlog About Our Blog

Weird titles aside, here is a vlog we made to wrap up our blog on digital media and all its forms. Thank you guys so much for reading our blog and we hope we have entertained you, or at least peaked your thoughts about certain topics we have covered. So here is our final work. Thanks For Reading!

New Platforms: A New Age For Gaming?

The platform of Kickstarter has become a phenomenon in recent years due to the new sources of funding it opens for game developers wanting to produce their new games with now corporate intervention. A lot of good games have been funded using this platform, such as Wastelands, Broken Age, and various other titles. That's not to say that this platform has no problems, a lot of game projects were never completed and their Kickstarter money refunded, and others have had to ask for more money due to poor budgeting, such as Broken Age. But despite this many games have being funded this way, and now many old developers from our younger years are hoping onto Kickstarter to fund their new games that AAA publishers say we don't want to play anymore....

But the stats speak for themselves we DO want to still play these games. The importance of this cannot be understated, as it shows consumers dictating trends and whats popular and whats not vs the marketing departments of AAA publishers deciding what the new trend was and giving us game after game of the same type. This is consumers taking hold and funding projects we want to see by giving money to the developers whose games we love. The rocky in the beginning this has begun to hopefully now start a new age of self funded developers making awesome weird and wacky titles that we enjoy playing.

AAA Publishers and their Industry

Triple A publishers include household names such as EA (Electronic Arts), Ubisoft, Activision and Microsoft Studios. These are studios that throw  hundreds of millions at title after title in the hope it will become a million copy seller. But they have moved to become much more "business" then "game maker" as of late. AAA publishers are characterized by a few major factors, those being; massive marketing campaigns, polished gameplay, a lack of innovation. But the AAA industry as fallen to malpractice to increase profits as of late rather then producing good and innovative titles. 

The practices a referred to by words that are now dirty in the minds of the average consumer, such as microtransactions, downloadable content (DLC) and the new industry habit of rushing out unfinished and unpolished titles. The point of publishers such as these is to generate the massive revenues and audiences that keep the gaming industry going. But more and more developers are finding themselves entrapped by one sided contracts and unrealistic expectations and so are fleeing the industry in search of new investment raising platforms, and are instead relying on the fans themselves to fund the games that they want to see. And in doing so circumventing the budgets and procedures of the AAA industry. I'll cover these new platforms and what they mean in my next post.


Thursday 21 May 2015

Taylor Swift is an American singer. Recently, she asked  people to pay for all her songs and let them down from Spotify. In other words, we cannot listen to her songs for free anymore online. We cannot download either. Fans can just buy CDs to listen her songs. Her new CD <1989> now available online but it is not free.

Why Talor say no o digital music? She said to reporters, music is an part of art. Art is important, precious and rare. It is worth to pay for important, valuable and rare thing. It is reasonable to pay her music. I think actually, she cannot get much returns from Spotify though her CDs are popular to sale.

This is the cover of her new CD <1989>

reference list

Hello, Ying again. Has anyone still questioned what a digital movie is?  LOL~ 

Today, I would like to talk about current popular topic -- 3D movies, and introduce a famous digital movie -- Resident Evil.

In the digital movies, film production process, production methods, the issuance and dissemination are complete digitization. The 3D movie is one of form in digital movies.

The process of 3D production can be divided into: production of mock - scanning model and get sketch - computing model - reducing texture - added processing lighting, special effects rendering - the picture synthetize and achieve to the final effect . Show as the above diagram.

The film tells the story of a woman named Alice, in a company called umbrella. Umbrella Corporation is a graduate of the bio-weapons. One day T-virus leaked, so that alive is infected become zombies, except Alice. T-virus cannot affect her genes. So she becomes the only human who cannot be zombilization in the world. Then the story revolves around her. 

In this film, there are a lot of extreme monsters.  As the below, these monsters are by post-synthesis computer. You can imagine that how realistic and shocking will be in the 3D shooting.


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